
To abide by the Governor's #StayHomeMN order, the City of Mora will close playgrounds in all City parks beginning today until further notice to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Park users are asked to stay off the fencing around play structures during the closure.

The City trail system remains open. Trail users should avoid group activities, group play such as games on athletic fields, and adhere to social distancing and appropriate hygiene practices.

Before playgrounds reopen, the situation will be evaluated. The City will continue to follow Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recommendations.

The best way to avoid COVID-19 and other respiratory infections is to practice good hygiene:

- Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds using soap and hot water.

- Cover your cough and sneezes.

- Avoid touching your face, eyes, mouth and nose.

- Stay home if you aren’t feeling well.

- Practice social distancing.