Planning & Zoning


This function deals with planning of developments in the city as well as interpreting and enforcing the zoning and subdivision codes. This also includes implementing the Comprehensive Plan, which guides land use, zoning, annexations, transportation, water and sewer extensions, and other community improvements or anticipated changes. Staff also prepares reports and studies of redevelopment and long-range planning.

The planning function oversees all land development within the City of Mora. Staff prepares reports and makes recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council for decisions regarding land development within the city.


Staff ensures that development complies with the zoning code. Zoning determines the size and use of buildings, where they are located, and the density of sites. The purpose of zoning regulations is to allow property owners the reasonable use of their properties as long as the use is not detrimental to abutting properties or to the neighborhood. Every property in the city has a zoning classification that determines how the property can be used.

Zoning consists of two parts: a zoning map and zoning text. The zoning map shows the locations and boundaries of the different zoning districts. The text describes zoning districts and sets forth regulations governing their land use and development. 

The city is divided into Residential, Commercial and Industrial Districts. Each zoning district regulates the following:  permitted uses, the size of a building or buildings, the number of residential units that are allowed, the amount of open space required, the maximum amount of the lot that can be covered by a building, the distance between the building and the property lines, the amount of off-street parking spaces required, and other features that may be specific to each residential, commercial or industrial district.

Proposed new signs (temporary and permanent) are reviewed in regard to location, size, and permit issuance.

The city is required to enforce some state and other jurisdictional rules. Some of the rules include the shoreland and the floodplain regulations.

If you have any questions regarding planning or zoning, call Mora City Hall at 320-679-1511.

Staff Contacts

Name Phone
Kirsten Faurie (320)225-4807